spss Program

onducting evidence-based programs requires concrete knowledge and understanding of analyzing data and interpreting the results. This short course has been designed to provide in-depth knowledge required in developing high-level skills in data analysis using SPSS software package.

Career paths: Policymakers MEAL professionals programmers, Statisticians Data Analyst Enthusiasts
SCHOOL: Humanitarian Global Institute LEVEL: professional

add Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to SPSS statistical software 1.1 Introduction to statistical analysis 1.2 Introduction and installation of SPSS 1.3 Features and key terminologies in SPSS 1.4 Data entry, coding, importation and saving Module 2: Basic Statistics in SPSS 2.1 Descriptive statistics for numeric variables 2.2 Frequency, stub and banner tables 2.3 Distribution and relationship of variables as well as cross-tabulations of categorical variables 2.4 Introduction to graphs and their commands in SPSS Module 3: Statistical Tests using SPSS 3.1 One sample, Independent sample, paired sample T-Tests 3.2 One-Way and two-way ANOVA 3.3 Chi-Square test, Pearson's correlation, Spearman’s rank order correlation. 3.4 Bivariate Plots and Correlations for Scale Variables Module 4: Predictive Models using SPSS 4.1 Linear/Multiple/Logistic/Ordinal Regression 4.2 Nonparametric tests (One Sample/ Independent Samples/ Related Samples) 4.3 Time Series and forecasting using SPSS (Basics, smoothing and regression time series data, ARIMA models, intervention analysis) 4.4 Interpretation of result

add Requirements

- SPSS Software - Internet Connection